< Bacchis, son of Prymnis>
1 Origin
In 970 BC, Bacchis was born in Corinth.
Bacchis's father was Prymnis.
Aletes, the father of Ixion, father of Agelas, father of Prymnis, was the founder of Corinth, where the Dorians ruled.
2 Family
Bacchis had a son, Agelas.
Bacchis had three daughters and seven sons.
Bacchis became the founder of the Bacchidae.
In the 8th century BC, 200 members of the Bacchidae were involved in the governance of Corinth.
< Boeotus, son of Melanippe >
1 Origin Boeotus was born in Metapontium in the southern part of the Italian peninsula in 1388 BC. Boeotus' mother was Melanippe, daughter of Aeolus. Pausanias reports that Boeotus' father was Itonus. Melanippe, however, had a son, Aeolus, born in Metapontium. Boeotus' father is thought to be Dius, who abducted Melanippe.
2 Family
Boeotus had a son, Itonus.
3 Others
In 1390 BC, Boeotus' mother, Melanippe, was taken prisoner of war by the Pelasgians and taken to Metapontium. In 1370 BC, Boeotus returned from Metapontium with his mother Melanippe to Arne in Thessaly, where he succeeded his grandfather Aeolus.
< Botton, son of Daedalus >
1 Origin
Botton was born in Crete in 1260 BC.
2 Family
Botton's father was Daedalus.
3 Others
In 1235 BC, Daedalus' son Iapyx led a group of immigrants from Crete to the southeastern part of the Italian peninsula.
Botton, who was among them, led a new group of immigrants overland to Macedonia.
The settlement of Botton was west of the Axius River and north of the Haliacmon River.
A little north of what would later become Pella was Europus, founded 75 years earlier by Europus, son of Macedon, son of Aeolus, and Oreithyia, daughter of Cecrops.
Botton's group included descendants of the Athenians who had been sent from Athens to Crete in the time of Aegeus.
Also among the inhabitants of Europus were the descendants of those who migrated from Athens following the marriage of Oreithyia.
Botton was the son of Daedalus, the daughter of Merope (or Alcippe), the daughter of Pandion, the son of Cecrops, the father of Europus' mother Oreithyia.
In other words, Europus was the cousin of Botton's grandmother.
The people traveling with Botton were likely surprised to encounter inhabitants in a foreign land who could speak their language.
< Boreas, son of Butes >
1 Origin
Boreas was born in Athens in 1407 BC.
1.1 Father of Boreas
The following suggests that Boreas' father was Butes, the twin brother of Erechtheus, the sixth king of Athens.
1) Butes was a priest of Athens.
2) The Hyperboreans were descendants of Boreas.
3) The Hyperboreans had a long history of religious ties with Athens and Delos.
4) It is not chronologically inconsistent to say that Butes was Boreas' father.
2 Family
Boreas married Oreithyia (or Oreithyia), the daughter of Erechtheus, the sixth king of Athens.
Boreas had a daughter, Cleopatra.
Boreas had a daughter, Chione.
Boreas had twin sons, Zetes and Calais.
3 Others
In 1390 BC, a huge tsunami occurred in the Aegean Sea and struck Athens.
Boreas and Orithyia joined the colony of Aeetes, the son of Sisyphus, who was about to set sail from Ephyra (later Corinth) in search of a new land.
Boreas and Orithyia traveled up the Hebrus (now Maritsa) River, across from Samothrace in Thracia, and settled near its tributary, the Rheginia (now Ergene) River. The Rheginia River was formerly called the Erigon River, and was located at the foot of Mount Haemon, near the Sarpedon Rock.
< Butes, brother of Erechtheus >
1 Origin
Butes was born in Athens in 1425 BC.
Butes was the twin brother of Erechtheus, the sixth king of Athens.
2 Family
Butes married Chthonia, daughter of Erechtheus.
Erechtheus was the son of Pandion, the fifth king of Athens.
3 Others
Butes was a priest in Athens.
< Belus, father of Phineus >
1 Origin
Belus was born in Melitaea, Thessaly, in 1422 BC.
Belus' father is presumed to be Archander, son of Achaeus.
Belus' mother is presumed to be Cyrene, daughter of Hypseus.
These presumptions are based on the migration of Belus' sons and the marital relations between them and their children.
2 Family
Belus had a son, Cepheus.
Belus had a son, Phineus.
3 Others
In 1420 BC, Belus migrated with his father from Melitaea to Aegialus, north of the Peloponnesus.
In 1402 BC, Belus migrated with his father to the Nile Delta in Egypt, where he founded Archandropolis with his father.
In 1390 BC, Belus joined a colony led by Aeetes, son of Sisyphus, and migrated to the mouth of the Aesepus River, just before Cyzicus. Belus' settlement came to be called Ethiopia.
Strabo records that they migrated from Egypt to Ethiopia and Colchis.
Some of the people led by Belus migrated to Colchis with Aeetes.
< Biantes, son of Parthenopaeus >
1 Origin
Biantes was born in Mysia of Pergamene in 1223 BC.
Biantes' father was Parthenopaeus, son of Atalanta.
Biantes' mother was Clymene.
2 Others
In 1205 BC, Biantes participated in the siege of Thebes by Epigoni and captured Thebes to avenge the death of Parthenopaeus, who had participated in the siege of Thebes by Adrastus.
< Batia, wife of Oebalus >
1 Origin
Batia was born in Phrygia in 1327 BC.
Batia is believed to have been the daughter of a prominent Phrygian who migrated to Greece from Asia Minor with Pelops.
In Sparta, there was the tombs of the Phrygians who migrated with Pelops.
2 Family
Batia was the wife of Oebalus, son of Cynortas of Sparta.
Oebalus and Batia had a son, Hippocoon.
< Boethous, son of Argeius >
1 Origins
Boethous was born in Pisa in 1260 BC.
Boethous' father was Argeius.
2 Family
Boethous had a son, Eteoneus.
< Bucolus, son of Hippocoon >
1 Origin
Bucolus was born in Sparta in 1280 BC.
Bucolus' father was Hippocoon, son of Oebalus.
2 Others
Bucolus was killed in battle with Heracles in 1239 BC along with his father Hippocoon and other brothers.
< Belus, son of Libya >
1 Origin
Belus was born in Chemmis, Nile Delta, Egypt, in 1497 BC.
Belus' mother was Libya, daughter of Epaphus. [Apo.2.1.4, Hyginus.157, Paus.4.23.10]
2 Family
Belus married Anchinoe (or Achiroe, Sida), daughter of Nilus. [Apo.2.1.4, Tzetzes.7.350, MalaChro.2.30]
Belus had twin sons, Danaus and Aegyptus. [Hyginus.273, Paus.7.21.13]
Belus had a daughter, Damno. [FGrH.333.21]
Orus, who founded Oraea in Argolis, is also thought to be Belus' son. [Paus.2.30.5]
3 Others
Belus does not appear in the legend of Danaus' migration to Argos.
< Bateia, daughter of Teucrus >
1 Origin
Bateia (or Batia, Arisbe) was born in Dardanus in the Troad in 1437 BC.
Bateia's father was Teucrus (or Teucer, Teukros). [Apo.3.12.2]
2 Family
Bateia married Dardanus, son of Coritus. [Apo.3.12.1, Diod.4.75.1, Lycoph.1291]
Dardanus and Bateia had a son, Ilus. [Apo.3.12.2]
Dardanus and Bateia had a son, Erichthonius. [Apo.3.12.2, Diod.4.75.2, Home.20.213, Ovid.4.19]
Dardanus and Bateia had a daughter, Idaea. [Apo.3.15.3, Diod.4.43.4]
< Benthesicyme, mother of Daeira >
1 Origin
Benthesicyme was born in 1370 BC near the mouth of the Aesepus River in the northwest of Anatolia.
Benthesicyme's father is presumed to be Cepheus, son of Belus.
2 Family
Benthesicyme had a daughter, Daeira. [Apo.3.15.4]
< Belus, son of Libya >
1 Origin
Belus was born in Thebes, Egypt, in 1497 BC.
Belus' mother was Libya, daughter of Epaphus. [Apo.2.1.4, Hyginus.157]
2 Family
Belus married Anchinoe (or Achiroe, Sida), daughter of Nilus. [Apo.2.1.4, Tzetzes.7.350, MalaChro.2.30]
Belus had twin sons, Danaus (or Triopas) and Aegyptus (or Sesostris). [Paus.7.21.13, Hyginus.273, Newton.67]
Orus, who founded Oraea (later Troezen), is also presumed to be Belus' son. [Paus.2.30.5]
3 Others
The sons of Belus lived in Chemmis in the Nile Delta. [Herod.2.91]
This suggests that Belus migrated from Thebes to Chemmis.
Or, Belus may have founded Chemmis.
< Basilus, son of Phoroneus >
1 Origin
Basilus was born in Caunus in Caria in 1215 BC.
Basilus' father was Lyrcus, son of Phoroneus. [Parthe.1]
Basilus' mother was Hemithea, daughter of Staphylus. [Parthe.1]
2 Other
Basilus succeeded his father and ruled Caunus. [Parthe.1]
< Broteas, son of Tantalus >
1 Origin
Broteas was born in Cydonia, Crete, in 1348 BC.
Broteas' father was Tantalus, son of Clymenus. [Euri.Scho.Or.5.1, Paus.3.22.4]
2 Family
Broteas had a son, Tantalus. [Paus.2.22.3]
3 Others
Broteas created a statue of the Mother of the Gods, which was placed on a rock near Mount Sipylus. [Paus.3.22.4]
Broteas is presumed to be Piyama-Kurunta, who appears in Hittite texts.
Piyama-Kurunta fought against Hittite king Mursili II with his father Uhha-Ziti.
In 1318 BC, Piyama-Kurunta negotiated with Mursili II after the death of Uhha-Ziti, but was sent to Hattusa. [CTH 61, I. A iii: 1]
< Bucolion, son of Laomedon >
1 Origin
Bucolion was born in Ilium in 1295 BC.
Bucolion's father was Laomedon, son of Ilus. [Apo.3.12.3, Dictys.4.22]
Bucolion's mother was Calybe. [Apo.3.12.3]
2 Family
Bucolion married Abarbarea. [Home.Il.6.20]
Bucolion and Abarbarea had twin sons, Aesepus and Pedasus. [Home.Il.6.20]
< Bisaltes, son of Mygdon >
1 Origin
Bisaltes was born in the Mysia of Olympene in 1280 BC.
Rhesus, the son of Eioneus (or Eion), the son of Bisaltes, appears in the story of the Troy expedition. [Home.Il.10.435]
Therefore, Bisaltes is presumed to be a descendant of Mygdon, who migrated from Mysia to Thracia with the Teucrians. [Diod.5.64.4, Herod.5.12-15, Herod.7.20]
A genealogy shows that Mygdon was one generation before Bisaltes, and Bisaltes' father is likely to be Mygdon.
2 Family
Bisaltes had a daughter, Theophane. [Hyginus.188]
3 Others
In 1244 BC, Bisaltes migrated from Mysia to Paeonia with his father. [See Mygdon]
< Brangas, son of Eioneus >
1 Origin
Brangas was born in Bisaltia, Macedonia, in 1220 BC.
Brangas' father was Eioneus (or Eion), son of Bisaltes. [Photios.186.4]
2 Other
Brangas founded Olynthos in Macedonia. [Photios.186.4]
< Bucolus, son of Colonus >
1 Origin
In 1400 BC, Bucolus was born in Gephyra (later Tanagra), Boeotia.
Bucolus' father was Colonus, the son of Cephisus. [Plut.QuestGr.40]
2 Others
Bucolus was persuaded by his sister Ochne to kill his cousin Eunostus and was banished from the town. [Plut.QuestGr.40]
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